Lamb Steak (for 2 people, or for 1 hungry person)

When I need to cook something quick and delicious, I buy a lamb steak (or several steaks if I plan to come home with friends), and a mixture of mushrooms. See also my recipe for Mushrooms Trifolati.


  • 1 lamb steak with the bone in
  • 1/8cup of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed (optional, I like it)
  • 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  1. About a ½ hour before you plan to cook, or 10 min if you just got home and you are in a hurry, take the lamb steak from the refrigerator. On a large plate, marinate it in a light coating of olive oil, (garlic, optional) and rosemary sprigs to marinade, sliding your fingers down the sprigs to break off the leaves for the marinade. (Discard the woody stems of the sprigs).
  2. Sprinkle salt and freshly-ground black pepper over the lamb.
  3. When you are ready to cook, use a cast-iron skillet or grill.  Heat it on high so that it is “smoking” before you add the lamb steak. (Make sure you have your stove’s ventilator on so that it will pull the smoke from the intense heat out of your kitchen).
  4. Place the lamb on the skillet/grill and let it cook for about 3 – 4 minutes on each side, depending on your preferences and how thick the meat is.
  5. Turn off the flame, remove the skillet from heat, and serve immediately.  This recipe is great with the fricassee of mushrooms.
  6. Buon appetito!

Suggested Wine Pairing

A good Chianti or Barbera.

Italiano: Bistecca di agnello

Bistecca di agnello con osso, alla griglia. Piatto ottimo e particolarmente utile quando tornate a casa stanchi e volete mangiare qualcosa di buono in 15 minuti, o se tornate a casa con un gruppo di amici e volete preparargli qualcosa da mangiare rapidamente.

  1. Marinare l’agnello con olio, rosmarino, (aglio, se vi piace), sale e pepe, minimo 10 minuti, meglio 30 minuti.
  2. Scaldare la graticola sul fuoco finché non fuma.
  3. Cuocere l’agnello 3 – 4 minuti per lato (dipende dallo spessore della bistecca).
  4. Rimettere nel piatto con la marinata e buona appetito.

Vino: un rosso generoso e felice, per esempio un buon Chianti o Barbera.